Friends, today introduced the new software for 6605 protocol set top box.The software which you can update in Pagaria 5050/6060, Wezone 888/888 plus, PHM 1, IB 111 etc.The specialty of this software is that you will be able to connect the net to a set top box from the USB Data cable.
Pagaria 5050/6060| 888 plus|Phm1| Ib 111 new Software Feature :
- Network setting with 3G,Wfi and USB
- Redtube Working
- patch
- iptv
- Bigstar
- boxtv
- iptv
- hotstar
- Sony live
- software update by Usb
New Software update for Pagaria 6060|| 888 plus|| Phm1|| Ib 111 2018:

- Before you do this new software in your box, you will have to update the software without the Hotstar.
- 6605 Protocol Settopbox Without Hotstar Software :Download Here
- New Software update for Pagaria 5050/6060|| 888 plus|| Phm1|| Ib 111:Â Download Here
- Here is the 6605 protocol receiver firmware which is all in rar file, you will have to create a bin file to upgrade the software.